About us
About Wyatt Medical Centre
Wyatt Medical Centre is located alongSeguku Katale, Nebalamye Mayanja Road, and 2km off the Entebbe Highway. Set in a specious warm ambience specially customized using urban amenities, upgraded medical technology pioneered by sophiscated medical expertise.The hospital alsohosts an advanced Laboratory, a well-equippedquality Pharmacy and a host of General and Specialized Doctors.
Wyatt Medical Centre’s State of art Medical Centre offers supportive environment, welcoming and homely space for patients and their families. We also offer an ambience that impacts the health and wellbeing of patients.

Our Vision
To be the best healthcare destination where high-end technology and medical expertise blend with compassionate and personalized care, and to fulfill the health needs of all our patients
Our Mission
WYATT MEDICAL CENTRE provides compassionate and holistic high quality evidence based, Pediatric and Surgical care services whilst using new age facilities and Technology
Our Values
We will offer quality service to our clients
We are honest in all that we offer to our clients
We are proactive and responsive to an ever changing medical and public health environment
We practice empathy and kindness to those who are suffering
World class customer experience offered to our clients